For better or worse is up to you to decide. But you'd be hard-pressed to claim otherwise. Chances are you've already heard of Edward Snowden by now (if you haven't don't worry I'll sum it up). And I meant to report on this earlier but things came up and besides the story was hardly a seedling at the time. Now however, things are getting even more juicy.
For those who are unaware of what Snowden's badass is doing, he has managed to expose the US government's surveillance inner-workings. And in doing so he has exposed breaches of privacy on the American people. For a lot of us, it isn't surprising that we've been monitored without warrant nor admittance, but we never had proof. Now not only was this information exposed by an NSA operative, but further information has been exposed as well. And that leads us to our V's new "hideout": China.
Yes it looks like the US has got itself into another political scandal. See, they are also spying on China. Which just screams bad idea, honestly, duh, right? Just duh. Bad move America, bad move. Anyhow, I personally had a feeling China wasn't going to be upset with Snowden's presence, and I was right. China's people are ticked off at America now, and Snowden is probably pretty safe for the time being.
For those who are unaware of what Snowden's badass is doing, he has managed to expose the US government's surveillance inner-workings. And in doing so he has exposed breaches of privacy on the American people. For a lot of us, it isn't surprising that we've been monitored without warrant nor admittance, but we never had proof. Now not only was this information exposed by an NSA operative, but further information has been exposed as well. And that leads us to our V's new "hideout": China.
Yes it looks like the US has got itself into another political scandal. See, they are also spying on China. Which just screams bad idea, honestly, duh, right? Just duh. Bad move America, bad move. Anyhow, I personally had a feeling China wasn't going to be upset with Snowden's presence, and I was right. China's people are ticked off at America now, and Snowden is probably pretty safe for the time being.
A reportedly small protest (900 people, is small in china I suppose) chanting slogans such as "Shame, U.S. Government" and what not kick-started Saturday urging Snowden to be allowed to stay in Hong Kong. This might not be enough to keep him safe in of itself, but if it grows it probably could. Right now it's too soon to tell. But I will tell you this, this man has shown sheeple that they need to open their eyes and grow some fangs. Of course, some of the sheeple prefer to be sheeple and have commented on the subject with statements such as "This man is a terrorist" and go on to say how we should not be aware of who, how, when and why our government monitors us. Oh nationalism, you silly thing you.
I like what is happening and I think more people need to act as strongly, openly and bravely as Snowden did. I am not saying he is a hero of any sort or even a full example, but he did something most of us are too cowardly to do. He did more then picket and go home.
You're being watched, if that's fine with you so be it, but if you're like me and would rather not be watched by a master, then maybe we need to think pretty damned hard about how we are living our lives and what we stand for.
And how do you feel?
I like what is happening and I think more people need to act as strongly, openly and bravely as Snowden did. I am not saying he is a hero of any sort or even a full example, but he did something most of us are too cowardly to do. He did more then picket and go home.
You're being watched, if that's fine with you so be it, but if you're like me and would rather not be watched by a master, then maybe we need to think pretty damned hard about how we are living our lives and what we stand for.
And how do you feel?