Monday, May 20, 2013

Fruit And Veggie Fest? Bet Your Ass!

 Besides NFW, I am part of a few other projects. One of which is partnered with my lady-love (seen in the picture below, which I will probably get in trouble for as she doesn't know I'm posting it, or took it, yet) called Possibly Vegan. We cook shit, and do other things but mostly we cook the best food you will ever have. Needless to say, finding out that the very first Fruit and Veggie Fest in Madera CA (the same town we are chilling in, making this the first completely local News From A Wolf story!) was going down, we just had to go. And it was worth it!

  The location itself was pretty small, only taking up about what you'd expect a small empty store to look like but outside. It didn't need to be bigger though, and it was only the first. Personally, I loved it, and I'm willing to bet if it continues it will only get larger. The people weren't assholes, that's damned cool. Especially in the Central Valley, that's like finding a golden egg in a silver goose. 

  We were also granted the opportunity to watch some pretty talented little kids dance around (seen above) like the badasses they are! And trust me, these kids had some serious moves and it was a lot of fun to watch, despite one little girl seemingly wanting to destroy another little girl who got to close to their performing area.

  Another thing I really loved, was all the little bits of information found in free to pick up packets and cards and books and fucking awesome.... Before I climax, I should continue on...

  These little booths were a lot of fun, and the people running them were wonderful. One man even let me take a picture of his fat! Okay it's not his fat, but it could be someones *cough* McDonald *cough*

  As fun as the good people, good music, first time ever event, and lasting raffle (which we lost) was, one of the best things in life is free shit. And there was plenty of that to go around. Two bags full of badassery and even two tomato plants! One for each of us. Which is fucking awesome because the ones I'm growing aren't doing very well and it's making my heart suicide. So thank you Madera Fruit and Veggie Fest, for helping my heart not suicide.

