NFW Mission Statement

  News From A Wolf isn't your everyday news source, and that is for a good reason. You get the same, emotionless crap from every mainstream source and plenty of grassroots sources. We keep trying to generalize the way we see things. I've been doing this journalism thing for years, and part of that involves keeping up with other sources. Trust me, after a while, you wonder if the writers are even humans, or if they are mechanized.

  Here, you won't get that. I may cover topics that are being covered elsewhere (which is just how the ball rolls) but at least it won't be boring. I'm an adult, so I will act like one rather then a child afraid of lunch-detention. You read that correctly, I think after we live a certain number of years, we have the right to say what we want about what we want without having to be afraid.

  So here is your down and dirty, in your face, radically abrasive news source. From experience and observation, I can almost guarantee you will enjoy this more then the bullshit you read from Fox or CNN. Plus, I won't try and scare you into submission, just the opposite: I want you to get brave.

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