Saturday, July 13, 2013

Zimmerman Is Found Not Guilty

  Firstly I am going to summarize who George Zimmerman is, and what he did. His name doesn't exactly sound dangerous, it comes off more like a freckle-faced comic character or an 80's TV show title. But that's not the case. No, Mr. Zimmerman went to the trouble of murdering a seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin (whos name evidently is not registered by google's spell check, nor is "google's", the former of which will likely change now). Zimmerman is a grown ass man of twenty-nine years. And his grown ass had shot and killed Trayvon. He had claimed Self-Defense, he had also resisted arrest, but then who wouldn't. But if you ask me, in my personal opinion, some blood and bruises isn't enough to kill a kid. The kid wasn't the Hulk, now was he?


Zimmerman                                                                                        Martin


  Zimmerman was ultimately charged with murder and had gone on trial. It was suggested, although not officially known, that Zimmerman had profiled Trayvon and committed a race crime. Today, 7/13/2013, Zimmerman was, by the judgment of a jury, found not guilty.

  A lot of this makes little sense, sometimes kids can be dangerous yes and sometimes they can do stupid shit. But, in my opinion, Zimmerman's police call says there is a lot more to Zimmerman's intent. Listen for yourself:
                                                                            CLICK TO PLAY
  You can hear some very clear remarks that suggest Zimmerman is bigoted, either towards "suspiciouskids" or people of darker skin tone. Both of which are probably true. Even I don't like suspicious kids, having been one and all.

  I want to know how you feel. Did the jury fuck up, or is Zimmerman really truly just an everyday dildo who killed a kid out of self defense.

*NFW does not support the death penalty.


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