Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Microsoft Gives In: XBOX ONE EIGHTY

  Holy shit, I'm reporting on video game drama! But it's important. Why is it important? Well hold your ponies for a second and let me tell you.

  Firstly it is important because this means that a monster-company like Microsoft got bossed by their consumers. And that means that the people had the power of the choice of a monopoly. Secondly it's important because judging by the stories here that get read, my general audience seems to be more into less important things then stuff like Edward Snowden exposing one of the most powerful countries on our earth. And as a writer, I need people reading my shit.

  Here is the down and dirty, Microsoft had the following list of absurd rules for their Xbox One system:

1. 24 hour online check required.

2. Can not play games offline without having checked in online.

3. Can not play used games.

  Now they have taken those rules and scratched them, after having refused to do so. For Xbox gamers this is great news. For Sony, this is a kick in the balls. I say this because Sony capitalized on Microsoft's rules. And I highly doubt that didn't play a role in Microsoft changing their minds. Of course, the PS4 is still going to be a great system for a great price. 

  I'm poor as fuck, but I'm still a gamer. Even though I have sold all my PS3 games for gas and a little food. And personally I don't think Microsoft doesn't deserve to play a role in any art medium. I seriously despise Microsoft. Ever since I was prompted to pay for Microsoft Word. But hey, the consumers gave them shit and the master obeyed. That's pure badass and you know it and if you don't know it you suck. Or you're not a gamer, which is cool, strange and boring, but that's fine. Chill out I'm kidding, you only suck a little.

  Although this is a win for gamers in general, Sony still holds the torch for Next Gen gaming. But still, you Xbox players bitched your way into getting what you want. Even if what you want sucks. I'M KIDDING AGAIN. Shit...


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Snowden Is Changing The World

  For better or worse is up to you to decide. But you'd be hard-pressed to claim otherwise. Chances are you've already heard of Edward Snowden by now (if you haven't don't worry I'll sum it up).  And I meant to report on this earlier but things came up and besides the story was hardly a seedling at the time. Now however, things are getting even more juicy.

  For those who are unaware of what Snowden's badass is doing, he has managed to expose the US government's surveillance inner-workings. And in doing so he has exposed breaches of privacy on the American people. For a lot of us, it isn't surprising that we've been monitored without warrant nor admittance, but we never had proof. Now not only was this information exposed by an NSA operative, but further information has been exposed as well. And that leads us to our V's new "hideout": China.

  Yes it looks like the US has got itself into another political scandal. See, they are also spying on China. Which just screams bad idea, honestly, duh, right? Just duh. Bad move America, bad move. Anyhow, I personally had a feeling China wasn't going to be upset with Snowden's presence, and I was right. China's people are ticked off at America now, and Snowden is probably pretty safe for the time being.

  A reportedly small protest (900 people, is small in china I suppose) chanting slogans such as "Shame, U.S. Government" and what not kick-started Saturday urging Snowden to be allowed to stay in Hong Kong. This might not be enough to keep him safe in of itself, but if it grows it probably could. Right now it's too soon to tell. But I will tell you this, this man has shown sheeple that they need to open their eyes and grow some fangs. Of course, some of the sheeple prefer to be sheeple and have commented on the subject with statements such as "This man is a terrorist" and go on to say how we should not be aware of who, how, when and why our government monitors us. Oh nationalism, you silly thing you.

  I like what is happening and I think more people need to act as strongly, openly and bravely as Snowden did. I am not saying he is a hero of any sort or even a full example, but he did something most of us are too cowardly to do. He did more then picket and go home.

  You're being watched, if that's fine with you so be it, but if you're like me and would rather not be watched by a master, then maybe we need to think pretty damned hard about how we are living our lives and what we stand for.

  And how do you feel?


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Turkey Police: Violent Uproar

  *There is a lot to report on today. Out in Fresno a body was found, twins graduated while battling cancer, the 5-0 are going on about illegal immigration and making complete asses out of themselves, and more. But as much as I want to show up KMPH right now and report on these subjects in a way that showcases why I should have their job, I think we should be more focused on what is going on in Turkey.


  The violence was unsurprisingly semi-instigated by an upset people and then initiated by a relentless police squad. I think that's an important first note to make. Because what is going on here is something that happens often, but is always media-spun into pro-authoritarian nonsense and usually misuses the words terrorists and anarchy once or twice.

  Originally (according to some indirect sources) the demonstrators' focus was on the environment, which is a good first step. However the focused supposedly shifted into an opposition against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and general authoritarianism. Well... I can't say too much about the last part of that statement. It's really hard to pinpoint a masses collective initiative. But usually when a group of people rise up like this, their general aim is anti-authoritarian to some extent.

  Oddly enough, this is one of the first instances I have seen mainstream media at least somewhat correctly convey, in (and only in) terms of where the violence started. Of course, you won't here the US report the same on like-wise happenings here. But that's because they aren't getting paid by Turkey or Libya.

  The context of the violence is fairly familiar. It starts with tear gas, the people take advantage of what false fog they have and throw back some fire and trash, then the hoses and riot squads kick in and eventually someone gets hurt. I don't know if anyone has gotten hurt yet, but I'm willing to bet if it hasn't happened it will.

Sorry the Video is From CNN

  From what I've gathered, Turkey's protests have been slightly bi-polar, going from meh to woa and repeating. But the Turkish government is starting to feel the threat, and we can only bet the police force will get a lot more forceful in coming days. We have seen this before, and the story is usually the same: The Machine wins. But every so often something happens like Libya. I hope that for Turkey's sake, if this escalates they do not make the mistake that revolutionaries continue to make when in the shocking event of success: Replacement of a similar government.

  The police is still hosing down and smoking out the people in Turkey around the time of this writing (6/11/2013 11:04 PM -8). I'm sending you good vibes, comrades, in the words of Captain Planet (what?) "The power is yours!"



Thursday, June 6, 2013

Alien Photographed In Central Valley CA

  According to KMPH Fox 26 (yes, those bastards), a lady had submitted them information and a photograph regarding a supposed alien being caught on camera. The lady had taken a photo of a truck she claims she bought for her husband. Upon analyzing the photograph, she spotted what looks like our earth's favorite outer-earth species: They Grey.
The photograph in question.

  The lady (evidently, a name wasn't given) also claims to have attempted to contact NASA and that they had suggested the photo was not edited. KMPH said they had contacted the lady and NASA. While they have not received any information from NASA, they said that the lady stands by her claim.

  The photo itself looks like classic intermediate to SyFy level CGI. And frankly, I don't think think this is real. Especially considering how the creature seems to be both 2D and 3D. Most of the body looks like a reflection, while a small portion looks to be off of the car. It was suggested that the creature was floating. I do not buy that.

  I could be wrong though. I've seen my share of strange things in the sky within the last month in Clovis, California. No joke either, seriously weird shit. At one point a jet seemed to be chasing a fairly wobbly non blinking light that was faster then said jet. That really happened.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rape Culture: Some People Are Still Unaware

  It seems like every time someone does an article on a rape case, it's in some shocking light. And by shocking I mean the reader is stunned that rape happens and the author (or at least the company supplying said author's paycheck) victimizes the rapist and invalidates the rape-victims trauma. 

  So when I read the headline "Some commanders can't differentiate 'slap on the ass and a rape'" I was both not surprised and irritated. It seems Senator Kirsten Gillibrand feels the same as myself, at least somewhat. As she had this to say to military leaders "Not every single commander necessarily wants women on the force, not every commander believes what a sexual assault is, not every single commander can distinguish between a slap on the ass and a rape because they merge all of these crimes together."

  Nine times out of ten I won't even think of supporting any particle of the senate. And I still don't, but Kirsten is right. Rape doesn't just happen to party-goers and it doesn't just happen in rarity. The latter being the most problematic.

  Gillibrand is suggesting legislation that would require sexual assault charges to be handles outside the victim's chain of command, adding "You have lost the trust of the men and women who rely on you, that you will actually bring justice in these cases.They are afraid to report. They Thin their careers will be over."

  *Of course we at NFW know that the fear of power represented here is a general problem we face as individuals every single day and the only thing that keeps us a submissive society.

  The bill would stiffen penalties and eliminate opportunities for leaders to nullify or change a conviction of sexual assault. But would not remove commanders' authority over making decisions. Which is why I do not support groups of people like the senate. Even when they have a positive heart in chest, the brain running it is counter-productive or too reliant on legal-bias.

  This is one of the more recent cases regarding sex scandals, rape and general sexual abuse, but it is not the first in a long time nor will it be the last. Even in the military, even if the bill passes, it will not change. Why do I say this? Well:

1.) These are people who work in the field of death. Be it on their side or their opposers, death is their job.

2.) It is already illegal and in my (and most people's minds) morally fucked up to the highest degree to take sexual (non-consensual) power from an individual and force ones own power onto them.

  Simply put: you can not scare people who exist within and around fear on a daily basis. Let alone people who use fear themselves as a tool to obtain a specific goal.
