Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Is Modern Tooth Care Counter-Productive?

  Before I even get into research I'm going to say damned right it is. From personal experience, my teeth were always fine when I was younger, but I never, ever brushed. They sure as hell were not the whitest things you've ever seen, but they were strong.

  Once I started drinking as a rowdy teenager (also part of the problem I'm sure) I started brushing a lot, and a lot, and a lot. And what happened? My teeth started dissolving! So I had to get them fixed. What I found out was the braces I had as a tot, wore of the shields of my teeth. Or so I was told. So doctor so-and-so fixes my teeth. And I leave them alone for a good long time. But eventually I wanted to brush them again.

  Once I started brushing again, get this, they started falling apart again and even worse this time. The new dentist said the one mentioned above did the restructuring strange and made my teeth worse. Well, shit. So okay, again I get them fixed. Totally fine while I'm not taking care of them... I think you can guess what happened next.

  *I'm not saying it's bad to brush, but I am saying don't trust spamming your teeth with gunky chemical-paste.

  So here I am, today, just having a chip and BAM! My front tooth snaps in half. It doesn't even hurt, but it sure as hell doesn't look sexy.
Does It?

  I'm not going to blame all my oral problems on the health-care system. But they certainly credit for a decent amount of the problem. The other part of course is diet. The crap food we stuff our face with is just as bad as the crap dental-care we deconstruct our jaws with. But that's another story.

  Personal opinion, and logic, aside I did want to get into studies and all of that. Usually what I would do is rewrite them in my own words. But this article I found is just so wonderful that I don't feel so bad for plugging someone elses work while sacrificing a larger article of my own.

  So here are seven "myths" about dental care:

  I would also like to note that I have been using alternative methods of tooth-care recently such as oil-pulling and the results on my teeth are double that of more profitable chemical at-home treatments such as those tooth whitening sticks which I used up until oil-pulling.

  Remember guys, our teeth have been with us since our first days. They aren't designed to be treated with lab-made shit. And if I would have listened to my own advice years ago, I'd probably still have all my damned teeth.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Recent Pennsylvania Bigfoot-Found Report Represents Human Blindness

  Aloonta (I laughed at the name too) 5-0 got a 911 call last week from some awesome person claiming he had proof of the illusive primate. And he had contacted Game Commission in hopes of them calling back.

  Partial snips of the police recording went on to suggest there was something big going on, with an excess of smoke in the area. Although the story has been quickly put to rest by other media sources and police, there are reports of helicopters being spotted in the area. Which would not be surprising if there was smoke and no Bigfoot, or Bigfoot and no smoke.

A BIG Foot - Kinda

  The facts of the story could go either way, really. And it is just as likely to be a hoax as it is to be a truth. That's fairly commonplace in cryptozoology. But while most sources will take the skeptic's side. I on the other hand, am not so quick to close the case.

  I understand this is a touchy subject, and the story itself is hardly news at all due to its lack of real information. But it is not uncommon for an animal to be deemed impossible, only to be found alive in the future. This represents a problem with our everyday state of mind. And a problem that is underlying bigger issues with oppression and apathy.

  We continue to come to the conclusion that our species has conquered the universe. This just isn't true. We haven't even fully explored our own oceans and forests yet. So why do we assume we know everything when in reality we only know a small amount of our surroundings?

What The Sky Looks Like

  Perhaps it is the lack of visibility in the night sky caused by electric night-lights. Or maybe, it is because our adulthood strips away our ability to believe and to dream, and replaces it with content and sleepy-eyes.

  Bigfoot might be as real as the star-painted sky. But you probably won't see it until you turn off the lights and look at the real world. Rather then the pseudo-world we built with boxes and LCDs.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

5/25/13 Monsanto Protests: In The Shadows

  And a hell of a shadow it is. In NFW style I'm going to compare this to sexual organs. Basically, the protest(s) is a giant penis. I mean it's a huge penis. You should know a huge penis right? The problem is, Monsanto is like a vagina designed specifically to give birth to the accumulated fat-mass of the entire United States, every other hour. In less awesome (and likely more accurate) terms, there is a lot going on, but not a lot of awareness (coverage).

  It should be obvious that NFW is in opposition to everything Monsanto is and stands for, but I'm just reminding you. I don't like them. I think they suck. They are rude, little jerks. And the fact they exist hurts my feelers.

  In all seriousness, fuck them. They have the potential to destroy our ability to self-preserve, survive and become liberated. Food is the first, next to water, basic needs. When put in the hands of a power, it becomes a weapon against the people. It controls us, and keeps us obedient and complacent.

  In case you don't know who Monsanto is, and why they suck go here:

  I would love to say I am out there participating with everyone, but really I am at home in the almost-wild-land with my lover-face half-watching 21 Jump Street and typing this. In fact, the Anarchist Memes page on Facebook is the only reason I remembered the protests at all. Needless to say, I don't have any current information on what is going on myself. What I will do for you is throw a couple articles on the subject together here in case you happen upon this page and are having a hard time finding anything on it.

Unannounced Cannons Disrupt Protest

General Information

I Really Like The Below (I don't know why, don't hold me to that.)

  The above sources should help your search a bit. I don't have as much collected and inside information as they do. I do however really dislike Monsanto's soul, and in an act of solidarity with the Monsanto-Opposition I thought I should report at least a little on the subject. Just so you out there know you're loved and needed. You sexy mother fuckers you!


Friday, May 24, 2013

Food-Forest Sprouting in Seattle: Eco-Anarchism?

  Seattle sprouts a first, and gets me growing! Let me tell you what has my Jimmy in a Johns. Seven acres of land in Seattle Washington will be planted with hundreds of yum-yum-tummy-tickles. I shouldn't have to explain why that is bad ass, but I will anyway, because it is my job.

  First and foremost this is for the people. Ever get hungry wage slaving and can't afford anything other then pure crap-nuggets because your absurdly over-expensive apartment in ghetto-land is sucking your pockets dry? Well if you aren't in Seattle, you should probably keep dumpster diving and can saving (like myself). However, if you are in Seattle (or want to be) then you'll be in luck. The food is for you!

Pictured: Food-Forest Site Plan


  This is one of the best things I have ever heard of. In a day and age (not that it's a new thing, I'm sure) where we purely don't give a damned about the health of our peers because of corporations like Monster-anto and McDeath there is an ever desperate need for solidarity and compassion towards our comrade's health and happiness. And building space for plant-food for people who are hungry is a good start, considering we are basically killing our species and planet trying to keep our regular diet up (which is also killing us...).

  The food-forest will be in the spirit of permaculture. This means the plants will be relative to plants that grow in the wild, being perennial and self-sustaining. You know what this sounds like to me? Eco-Anarchism. And to that I say "About damned time!"

  *For those of you unfamiliar with the social/political anarchist philosophy  read more about how it is relative here:

  Beacon Hill may be one of the first public spaces in the United States of its kind. And more importantly, it (and her food-forest) shows that we are ready for more then little bits of "change" and "progress" and *insert fancy distracting word here*. Yes, it seems that our people might be ready, willing and able to feed ourselves, and our peers and do so out of the kindness of our heart. The one lasting argument against anarchism (and like-wise) is being proven wrong in a beautiful way.

 Good job guys, we're finally on the right track. Keep it up!


BREAKING: KMPH Fox 26 is Uninspired/Hides Lack of Inspiration

*I am not attacking the journalists working for KMPH. Despite my being grassroots, I have been close with professional journalists and I understand that they have bosses.

  I am however, attacking the hell out of the news system. I might be touching an old subject, but it's one that we need to be reminded of. You see, yesterday KMPH had a breaking news story: Fresno CA, lost their hocky team!

  (KMPH has seemingly removed the mentioned post from their facebook page, as more upsetting news came... Selective bastards.)

  Really guys, it's a small world but it isn't a chode. You and I both know that there is a load of great material to cover, every single day. And stop being so damned depressing...

  Another, irritating, issue we have going on with the mainstream media-jesters is this whole End Of The World self-diagnosis. I get it, bad things happen and fear sells. But I think it is time to get off the scare-wagon and start caring more about your fellow man/women/gender-queer.

  Within the last 24 hours a load of different semi-tragic and or inconvenient stories were published by KMPH ranging from the fire on Highway 41 to murder trials. But did you hear anything about Seattle's food-forest? Bet your ass you didn't! That's what you have NFW for, I'll cover that soon.

  KMPH isn't alone in this travesty by all means. But they perma-blocked me from commenting on their facebook posts, and frankly I have a vendetta.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Fruit And Veggie Fest? Bet Your Ass!

 Besides NFW, I am part of a few other projects. One of which is partnered with my lady-love (seen in the picture below, which I will probably get in trouble for as she doesn't know I'm posting it, or took it, yet) called Possibly Vegan. We cook shit, and do other things but mostly we cook the best food you will ever have. Needless to say, finding out that the very first Fruit and Veggie Fest in Madera CA (the same town we are chilling in, making this the first completely local News From A Wolf story!) was going down, we just had to go. And it was worth it!

  The location itself was pretty small, only taking up about what you'd expect a small empty store to look like but outside. It didn't need to be bigger though, and it was only the first. Personally, I loved it, and I'm willing to bet if it continues it will only get larger. The people weren't assholes, that's damned cool. Especially in the Central Valley, that's like finding a golden egg in a silver goose. 

  We were also granted the opportunity to watch some pretty talented little kids dance around (seen above) like the badasses they are! And trust me, these kids had some serious moves and it was a lot of fun to watch, despite one little girl seemingly wanting to destroy another little girl who got to close to their performing area.

  Another thing I really loved, was all the little bits of information found in free to pick up packets and cards and books and fucking awesome.... Before I climax, I should continue on...

  These little booths were a lot of fun, and the people running them were wonderful. One man even let me take a picture of his fat! Okay it's not his fat, but it could be someones *cough* McDonald *cough*

  As fun as the good people, good music, first time ever event, and lasting raffle (which we lost) was, one of the best things in life is free shit. And there was plenty of that to go around. Two bags full of badassery and even two tomato plants! One for each of us. Which is fucking awesome because the ones I'm growing aren't doing very well and it's making my heart suicide. So thank you Madera Fruit and Veggie Fest, for helping my heart not suicide.



Friday, May 17, 2013

Kai The Hatchet Wielding... Murder Suspect?

  Not too long ago, Fresno (the town touching my own) CA gave birth to a rambling celebrity. Nicknamed Kai The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker, he bashed a man over the head and saved a life in the process. You can get your filler on that here:  

  I will be the first to call bullshit on the legitimacy of this "murder" story. Not just because Kai is a local celebrity, but because something doesn't add up. Well, it does add up but not in the way you might think. I find it hard to believe that Kai is a cold blooded killer, but his story does make me think of Emma Goldman. 

  Chill out! I am aware Kai isn't anything like Goldman. But the feel of the events echos that of what happens when someone lives in a capitalist country, without abiding by capitalist desires. Don't get ahead of yourself here, I am not a conspiracy theorist, however it is not unheard of for people in the U.S. to spend their life in prison for false terrorism, like Eco-Terrorism, for example, or "thought-crime". Yes, thought-crime is a real thing!

  So besides being a general kick ass guy with one hell of a back-story that leads to his homeland in Canada (according to another interview of him when he was still in Fresno). Kai (Caleb Lawrence McGillvary) was arrested by Philadelphia 5-0 yesterday for murder. Evidently there was a public call for his arrest (by that I mean, the 5-0 publicly asked for help in finding him). Kai is wanted for the death of an attorney (yea big loss, guys... Kidding, I kid...) Joseph Galfy Jr, who was found beaten to death.

  The 5-0 claims Kai "has been known to use the back of a hatchet."

  Yea lads, that's totally enough reason for Kai to be a killer. He saved someones life, by use of a hatchet, therefor if someone dies and he is in the area, it must have been him. That's sarcasm, just for clarification.

  I am not saying it's impossible that Kai killed someone in cold blood just because I like the guy, but I am saying that the case seems to be a blown-up version of events that happen everyday to travelers. Real travelers I mean, you know, like Nomads. It is also not impossible that Kai is just another rambler who's luck just wouldn't get better.

  What are your thoughts?


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Everybody Poops, Unless You Want Coffee

  The irony here is almost better then the story itself. Oh, who am I shitting (pun) the irony is better then the story. But the story is good too, so read on.

  Apparently out in Denver this lady Ruth Burgos was having a poop emergency, well her kid was. Ruth could have just used the toilet like a normal human being-which sounds boring-but regardless, babies aren't normal human beings. Babies are more like little miniature assassins. They do what they want, when they want, as loud as they want and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it, because they're babies. And they know they are babies, sly little critters. Anyhow, Starbucks didn't care much for Ruth's little baby's poop problems. In fact, I think they might be the exception to my statement about the invincible baby assassins.

  Although, Ruth didn't really give two shits (every time I say shit here, it is a pun) about the bathroom, which she could have used. Instead she wiped that baby butt clean in the seating area. She told 9news " I just kind of wiped him off, cleaned him off as quickly as I could."

  That alone makes her a total badass, right? I mean, fuck it, you gotta poop you gotta poop. That baby didn't care when or where it was going to happen, it was going to happen. Evidently, Starbucks didn't dig the event and called the police for a "disturbance". Frankly, if you're spending tons of money on a sip'n'go of coffee and whatever else the place offers, maybe you deserve to see baby-butt. And besides, how in the hell does a place that sells coffee neglect having a fully prepared bathroom. That's crazier then wiping your babies ass in a dining area of a coffee shop!

  Not surprisingly, the staff puffed up with some attitude of their own. According to Ruth's lover-face (her husband) the crew treated her in a demeaning manner saying things such as "make sure you wipe the seat when you're done." and then spilled some coffee on the floor saying "Make sure you clean that."

  As rude as that is, calling the 5-0 was a much ruder way to go about it. Honestly Starbucks, you sell coffee and people have babies. It's your own damned fault for thinking inadequate restrooms will be beneficial. On the bright side, no one was arrested. Probably because they where all covered in shit! Okay not really, but that would probably result without arrest as well. If people are terrified of baby poop, imagine what you could get away with if you're covered in it. Don't go testing that, though, and if you do, you didn't hear it from me. You nasty fuck, I love you.


A Tale Of Two Gizmos

  Alright, so you got me. This isn't the most important story on the planet. But it's pure bullshit and this is still news. And I don't care what Mr. Commenter on whatever fucking website I first heard this from says... I am not fucking thirty, and Gremlins still holds a special place in my heart.

  So this has been talked about, for a good while now. Gremlins was getting a sequel, they are replacing puppetry for CGI and Stephen won't be a part of it. Okay, so who will? Mother fucking Seth Grahame-Smith. I won't lie, I haven't seen any of his movies and I'm aware of their negative reception. I do however have-in my hand-a copy of the book form of Abraham Lincoln VAMPIRE HUNTER. And I like what I've read so far. So I won't give him shit for being called into script writing again. I also won't give Hollywood shit for lacking creativity, that's nothing new.

  So where is the problem? Besides getting rid of puppetry, which is enough reason to want to pull a Sylvia Plath, it's not even a sequel anymore. It is a straight up remake! "Holy shit" you say? Holy Shit indeed! If it wasn't bad enough that Gremlins 2: The New Batch was a shitty movie-if you like it, that's cool, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, but that's your problem to sort out-they want as far as risking total destruction of one of the best movies ever made. One of the best things in that medium, from an artists perspective, does not does deserve to be murdered because we have new technology... This isn't Robo-Cop mother fuckers...

  We will see what happens, who knows, maybe I'm wrong, maybe there is a god.

  Oh yea, and I don't give a fuck about a sequel to Beetle-Juice. That's nowhere close to the level of tragic that Gremlins: Remake possesses.


Arrroooooo! Well-cum!

  I got my pilot license, and I'm flying right into your... Too soon? For some of you nitwit bastards, that is indeed too soon. And you sheeple probably won't feel welcome here. So I invite you to stick around, because I don't like you. And that means we should be friends.

  Anyway, what news is more relevant for a first post then the very manifestation of the best thing to have ever happened to you! Okay well, that threesome with so-and-so's sisters was probably pretty good too. But you get the point.

  So why am I here anyway? Basically, I'm doing you a favor. You get to get information you would get anywhere else, but without a dry and overly polite bullshit attitude you just know is being intentionally worked into static boredom to appease the author's boss-man-ass-face.

  And besides, if I'm lucky, I might rile you up a bit as well. Stay tuned mother fuckers.
